The crocus are up and very encouraging. Especially since I heard more snow is on the way. Everyone is getting a little tired of winter this year. Last year Spring came so early that we are finding it doubly hard to wait for the earth to warm up this year.
I went to Canada Blooms and got myself a new baby for the garden.
I have wanted a helleborus for a long time and this new variety called "Pink Frost" has upward facing blooms. By the time time I get to plant it outdoors I know it will no longer be in bloom, but it will have lots of time to settle in and spread for next year. It gets to be 30 - 45 cm tall and up to 60 cm wide and blooms in early Spring. I am taking a chance in this area, because it is only rated for zone 5 and I am strictly speaking zone 4, but I will chance it and let you know how it goes. Anticipation in the garden is a fine thing, and so a little tredipation over whether or not this plant will survive will make me anticipate Spring even more.