Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Garden Walk Buffalo PIcts...

Spotted this little path from across the street. What a simple but effective design element!
Here are some more of the design elements that I noted on our Buffalo they are city gardens and every inch of space is used. Most people told us they had a garage which didn't fit a car so the got rid of it and added soil and started planting. I think they inspire each other, because the gardens are very well designed and really intrigue you.  
We have the start of this garden extravangaza with Streetscape Mississauga.  We need to grow our base, ideas and gardens and invite people in so we too can have a wonderful walk like theirs.  Buffalo you are an inspiration!

The magnificent old homes lend themselves to formal gardens.  See how repetition was used to create a beautiful garden. 

A mass planting of coleus can make a huge impact!

Nicely balanced plantings enhance this home.  The width of  the garden bed and the crisp edge play an important role in this deign. 

Buffalo Garden Walk 2012

Balance and harmony make this tiny back yard seem like an estate!  the old  factory wall provides a wonderful boundary to the garden.

Each year on the last weekend in July the city of Buffalo hosts a garden walk.  Over 350 gardens are open to the public free of charge!  They have been doing it for about 18 years now. It is truly worth a visit.  this year I went with avid gardeners, who didn't want to stop until all the gardens were closed.  We even viewed some front yards after closing. The gardens are full of exuberance and individuality and it is a joy to walk around them.  We had fun pointing out items of interest to each other and wondering about the names of some of the plants.  This garden tour is a 'must do!' Do like I did and go down with wonderful travel companions who love gardens.
And even though a car ran over my sunglasses I will go back next year.

The entwined gardens of the factory cottage area use the wall of the factory was part of the garden design.  You are so intrigued, you just have to go down this path.

Beautiful window boxes enhance the design of this shady garden.

grasses add an unexpected element to this window box. 

repetition in design makes your eye travel along a given path.  The sweep of hostas by the brook are cool and restful.

The ladies in waiting - for the photographer!

This moss garden houses a minature village.

Detail of a house with its clothes on the line and a well nearby.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My new garden babies

Joan Senior Daylily

Already I forget it's name!
Hyperion, fragant

I organized the annual Cloverleaf Bus Tour and this year on our outing to the Niagara College of Horticulture I picked up 3 new daylilies with huge blooms.
Double daylily situated in very sunny location. I have never seen this one in the nursery.  A friend gave it to me. 
Same day lily situated in the shade