This blog is intended to carry topical information about gardening in Southern Ontario.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Diving with the Manta Rays

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hey, remember those lotus blossom pods we put in our fall arrangements? Well, there are beautiful blooming lotus flowers here. I will always think of Bali now when I see them.

Tomorrow we tour the rice fields.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Touring the countryside
Nov. 11 2009
I always wanted to swim up to one of those bars in the hotel swimming pool and order a drink, and today I did that. Unfortunately Spud has a case of Montezuma’s revenge. Or should I say Ranga’s revenge to use the local Bali bad guy from mythology. If you have to spend a day at the hotel, this is the place. It is a poor person’s Hilton. Everything you need is here, right on the beach with 2 swimming pools, massage, yoga, restaurant, I went snorkeling and have a lazy day reading by the pool. Unfortunately, I got sunburn (Spud feels so sorry for me, from the air conditioned bathroom of our room).
We brought a book each and have traded reading material all along our way. I have been very lucky because the only English book on the shelf in each place in Bali has been something that interested me. The book shelf in the hotels is filled but with German books.
I just finished a book called Tallgrass. It is a part historical novel, set in Colorado in a Japanese internment camp. It followed a 13 year old girl who lives on a farm in the area and her reaction to all that is going on around her. A good read.

I have enjoyed travelling to a new place every few days. We have had the amazing contrast of the rural and urban. We would never drive here. The roads wind and curl up through the mountains and back down to the shore and the only indication of the route is the sign to the next town when you reach a village. Signs declaring hati, hati warn the bridge or road is out and the driver has to find an alternate route. The views are spectacular. We hired a driver for the day and he took us to all the obligatory sights. We went and saw the herons, with their white bodies and pink heads, nesting in the rice fields in Petulu. We went to a coffee plantation and had the world's most expensive coffee - the one that is passed through the digestive tract of a civit. We went to a silver factory, not John Hardy's, and I got my bracelet. We saw the Barong dance, the classic fight between good and evil. We went to the volcano (and the driver left us at the buffet – this is where Spud thinks he got sick. He always eats the beef and I don’t. ) At least the restaurant had beautiful views of the volcano which erupted in 1917, 1926, 1963. From this angle you can also see the highest mountain in Bali. We went to the Goa Lamak temple – the bat cave. This temple has millions of bats in a natural cave that the temple has incorporated into its structure. It was built in the 11th century and a festival was just finishing the day we visited. Everyone who visits must wear a sarong and a sash. So you make a donation and you rent one briefly. There are elaborate pagodas made from palm leaf and bamboo. All the islanders are dressed in their finery; the colours of the sash or sarong chosen are for one of the three persons in the one God, who is never seen. The sash colours are: Brahma (black and white – good and evil, Vishnu - yellow or Shiva, who brings destruction (I think that colour is red).
Only the priests are allowed into the bat cave. Yuk, who would go there? It is full of guano. There are pythons in the cave, which eat the bats. The presence of the pythons, eating the bats, Bali people feel keeps the balance in nature, the black and white.
Nov. 11 2009
I always wanted to swim up to one of those bars in the hotel swimming pool and order a drink, and today I did that. Unfortunately Spud has a case of Montezuma’s revenge. Or should I say Ranga’s revenge to use the local Bali bad guy from mythology. If you have to spend a day at the hotel, this is the place. It is a poor person’s Hilton. Everything you need is here, right on the beach with 2 swimming pools, massage, yoga, restaurant, I went snorkeling and have a lazy day reading by the pool. Unfortunately, I got sunburn (Spud feels so sorry for me, from the air conditioned bathroom of our room).
We brought a book each and have traded reading material all along our way. I have been very lucky because the only English book on the shelf in each place in Bali has been something that interested me. The book shelf in the hotels is filled but with German books.
I just finished a book called Tallgrass. It is a part historical novel, set in Colorado in a Japanese internment camp. It followed a 13 year old girl who lives on a farm in the area and her reaction to all that is going on around her. A good read.

Only the priests are allowed into the bat cave. Yuk, who would go there? It is full of guano. There are pythons in the cave, which eat the bats. The presence of the pythons, eating the bats, Bali people feel keeps the balance in nature, the black and white.
Sorry the pictures are out of place. I need another lesson.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunset at Lewbongan

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Deeper into Bali
Ubud 9 Nov 2009

I have lovely pictures of the new hotel. Each place is more beautiful than the place before. Tomorrow we take cooking classes – 20 dollars each.
life in Bali
8 Nov. 09
Thye island of Nusa Lembonga is a slice of heaven. Poverty yes but lots of industry. They are constantly buidling. the industry here is farming seaweed. The whole family is involved and there are rows of seaweed in the ocean like rows of wheat back home. Tfhey sell it in Jakarta.
we rented a motorbike - $7.00 with 2 liters of gas and toured the island. the village of Lembongan is pure picturesque Bali, temples everywhere.Driving home the village was returing from one of the many festivals and everyone was all decked out with lacy custumes and offerings on their heads. We couldn't drive forward until the festival was over. People directed us to Dream Beach.
What a dream! This is like a freedom 55 commercial. Drinks in a bar on the cliff overlooking the beach and pounding surf. Hemingway would have loved this place.The pace is very slow and we sat drinking and reading our books.

We toured more of the island and came across people carrying a woke with twin baskets filled with seaweed. They gather it twice a day at low tide.
Thye island of Nusa Lembonga is a slice of heaven. Poverty yes but lots of industry. They are constantly buidling. the industry here is farming seaweed. The whole family is involved and there are rows of seaweed in the ocean like rows of wheat back home. Tfhey sell it in Jakarta.
we rented a motorbike - $7.00 with 2 liters of gas and toured the island. the village of Lembongan is pure picturesque Bali, temples everywhere.Driving home the village was returing from one of the many festivals and everyone was all decked out with lacy custumes and offerings on their heads. We couldn't drive forward until the festival was over. People directed us to Dream Beach.
What a dream! This is like a freedom 55 commercial. Drinks in a bar on the cliff overlooking the beach and pounding surf. Hemingway would have loved this place.The pace is very slow and we sat drinking and reading our books.

We toured more of the island and came across people carrying a woke with twin baskets filled with seaweed. They gather it twice a day at low tide.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Basking in Bali
We're arrived in this tropical garden. You will see by our photos that we are indeed surrounded by beautiful flowers. The bugs are not bad, but they do seem to have the 'no see ems' but the itching goes away immediately.

The weather is especially hot according to the natives. I'd say about 38 degrees. The hotel and pool are lovely. It looks like a fairy garden at night. Robin picked this well. There are little shrines everywhere like the one in the picture above. They are made of palm leaves with rice, fruit or flowers in a palm leaf boat. Every sidewalk has an offering at the entrance to a home, hotel or shop to the god of luck, prosperity, whatever.
We walked along the beach and were approached by hawkers of every description. Everyone wants you to 'look please' at their 'art shop'. Art shops are clothing stalls with beads. We got a batik shirt for Spud and a bead necklace for me for 6 dollars. That seemed to calm them down once we had some merchandise.
The food is stupendous and cheap. These are the first fruits and vegetables we have been served in a restaurant. We got great food on the dive boat.
Tomorrow we leave for Nusa Lembongan to go diving and don't know if we will have internet access, so the blog may be quiet for 3 days.

The weather is especially hot according to the natives. I'd say about 38 degrees. The hotel and pool are lovely. It looks like a fairy garden at night. Robin picked this well. There are little shrines everywhere like the one in the picture above. They are made of palm leaves with rice, fruit or flowers in a palm leaf boat. Every sidewalk has an offering at the entrance to a home, hotel or shop to the god of luck, prosperity, whatever.
We walked along the beach and were approached by hawkers of every description. Everyone wants you to 'look please' at their 'art shop'. Art shops are clothing stalls with beads. We got a batik shirt for Spud and a bead necklace for me for 6 dollars. That seemed to calm them down once we had some merchandise.

Tomorrow we leave for Nusa Lembongan to go diving and don't know if we will have internet access, so the blog may be quiet for 3 days.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A day of travel
3 Nov. 2009
We are currently sitting at a pool side bar in the airport inn in Darwin drinking margaritas and xxxx gold beer (the Australian preferred) waiting for our flight to Bali. It is super relaxing. We are so excited about the Bali adventure. I can’t wait to eat the food and stay in the hotels. I definitely intend to SHOP! The items there should be exotic and different. I have a plan for the luggage (it involves Spud’s things). WE would love to share this adventure with you. Because of the time difference we leave at 7:30 and arrive at 8.30. Think of us tonight walking on a beach and swimming in an infinity pool.
Diving on the Great Barrier Reef
Nov 1 2009
.Well I was the only one dressed for Hallowe'en. I wore the classic dagger thru the head . It was a big hit. We had to explain the NA fascination with the holiday.

Then we went on a regular dive. We definitely found Nemo. The anemone fish are so pretty nestled in the frilled anemones.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Back from the Boat
We were incommunicato for a few days because we were on the dive boat. But we are back in Cairns and emailing from Macdonald's of all places. Who knew they had free Wi fi, something to be grateful for!
We boarded the boat and were greeted with champagne and snacks on our arrival. There was a really mixed group of all ages, thankfully. There were three couples from Canada, including us, a couple from Paris, people from the US, Germany and some from Australia. An interesting group all in all. We moved overnight as soon as we got on the boat. The first crossing left a few people sleepless and green in the am. We were a little the worse for wear, but determined not to miss any dives. We had two dives the next morning and 1 or 2 in the pm plus a night dive. We lived a lifetime in the short time we were aboard. Everyone was in bed early every night. Not at all like the dive trips I remember from when we were young. Then we drank and danced and talked all night. Not that I could do that now! Every night almost everyone was in bed by 9:30. But the first dive of the day was usually at 7:15 am! Then we had breakfast. It was great.

The diving was great. We had about 50 foot visibility. We saw more tropical fish than I can believe. What variety. The coral heads and soft corals were magnificent! Take a look at the pictures to get an idea of the wonderful sights we saw.
Some places the current was strong and we really had to use our skills to move along. The diving was challenging and easy at the same time. It was great having the instructors along. You could choose to go with them or go on your own. the dive briefings were really detailed. We went with a guide at night and saw octopus, peacock spotted skates, anemonies - just tlike Nemo! There's me behind the staghorn coral and the black sea star. The large spotted fish is called a potato cod. They were very friendly and inquisitive.

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